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Attaining supreme health and longevity via intermittent fasting and super herbs
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This really worked on my hard-core depression when I quit drinking (decades long abuse/addiction). It kept me off of the option and trap of pharmaceuticals etc. and because of that I am on a great foundation for the future! I’ve been reading much of the literature that Gavin painstakingly puts out, and can’t wait to get more blends (peal, trinity, and others to tackle the other challenges I am facing! Thank you Gavin for all your hard work and generosity!
Read moreJimmy
Mann so first off, I wasn’t really skeptical about any of the products. I’ve seen in my family line loads of bad health. So I took it upon myself to take a health conscious road and learn whatever I needed to take to just BE in a better state of health. So I ran across a pretty known trader I’m sure a lot people who trade knows. A stand up guy so I’ve been doing research on the blends for like a month and a half from reading reviews to being in the telegram chat. First purchase was trinity and rewire. By far was some of the best feelings I’ve had internally in terms of state of being from sense of calmness to feeling the vibration of my body lol. Definitely was next level nothing I experienced. Getting on the fasting protocol of 22/2 wasn’t to hard to grasp just the fact that managing that anxious/ nauseous feeling of not eating for hours was the biggest challenge for me. I kept persisting through it no matter the feeling. By far seven sages was a top favorite for me from just all the different ingredients for different days felt like an adventure of damn what will I experience new internally today lol. My favorite days were Tuesday and Sunday something about those days of blends just had me in a heightened state. Unexplainable lol. By far definitely will be a lifetime customer not to mention Gavin’s straightforwardness has me dying laughing sometimes. Real stand up guy can definitely tell he cares about people and product and shows hella integrity of his brand and what he is about. Which is exactly how I want to run my business ventures!
Wow! Where do I start. I bought the combo package and it has been mind blowing. After 3 weeks of taking the blends, my nose that has been blocked for like 6 years now has finally opened which is a weird feeling as I've been just been used to it being blocked all the time. My hayfever and allergies have gone which was perfect timing with me playing sport outdoors in the summer, usually I have to take tablets and nose sprays just to get through the day. Peel and Splice together have been my magic combo for this and it's amazing knowing that the detox with fasting is drastically improving my health and longevity. I will defitenly be long term customer, I appreciate all the work you're doing Gavin and can't wait to continue seeing the effects of the blends.
Read moreHasan
So, I don't have dementia or Alzheimer's (yet), so I thought I'd better start this blend before I do! After all, both run in my family. My maternal Grandmother died from Alzheimer's and my Mom and Dad are both getting more absent minded every year. Upon starting ALZ, I noticed greater mental clarity and alertness within a week. Combined with the nootropics in Seven Sages, it was a powerful combination. I've been taking ALZ for about a year now, and am also having deeper meditations and intuitive insights. I would attribute part of this to ALZ as well. I will definitely continue this one for the rest of my days. It's part of a necessary toolkit to keep me healthy and lucid until old age. Another great blend from Interstellar!
Read moreRich Ryan
Just when you thought it couldn't get better....BOOM Ceramide Blocker is here! At 51 obese, lazy , and stressed this blend helped me in so many ways. Trying to lose weight with diet and exercise I hit the inevitable plateau. I started taking Ceramide Blocker on is own just to see what would happen. Within 2 days the scale started moving in the right direction and my confidence came back immediately. I was down 10lbs in about a week. No more high blood pressure, no risk of diabetes and no dependence on prescription medications. Ceramide Blocker is a game changer for sure.
Read moreMarissa Cervantes
Gavin! I hope you are well and things are rocking on. I can't imagine it otherwise. I have returned from Bermuda in pretty good shape. The Seven Sages kept me healthy and sane. Thank you so much for rushing them to me before our departure. There's no way I'll ever leave the dock without them. Together with fasting I was able to maintain my energy and alertness in addition to not feeling seasick. Normally on the trip out and on the return, traveling around the clock and eating whatever whenever for 5-6 days would leave me completely exhausted...and queasy/green if the conditions were less than ideal. Not this time. 7 weeks of work, herbs, and fasting when I could get away with it, flew by and I arrived home in pretty good shape. Unfortunately we have two troublesome teenagers at home. That's a relationship tester for sure. Thank you so much for the blends!! I've been able to maintain some sanity and clarity since my return. Luckily I'm able to sneak some Sage and Trinity into my girlfriend's coffee too. I think it helps but I may need to quadruple her dose. I should also mention that taking your blends and practicing intermittent fasting since Dec, I've lost not only fat that I didn't know I had but also the little pains that have crept up over the last few years...finger joint aches and a wicked lower back pain. I now realize that I have control over even more than I thought. This is unbelievable. This is Power!
Read moreRob Lauderdale
I joined the facebook page some time ago. But it was a while before i mustered the courage to approach Gavin to try the blends for myself. So many people were having amazing results and Gavin was fantastic in advising me which combination of herbs to try. I developed acne rosacea (suddenly and severely at the age of 49 and had lived with it for nearly 2 years, I tried most of the topical medications prescribed by my dermatologist but none worked, i changed my skincare, my makeup but nothing helped. I had previously fasted and eaten very clean ( so there wasn't any explanation as to why the rosacea had triggered). The blends were my last resort. The shipping was quick (to the UK) and the results have been stunning. My skin has cleared completely, I have not had a new spot develop in over a month, my pores and skin feel as they did before i developed the rosacea. (No bumps or roughness). I barely wear makeup and people think i do not look my age at all. The blends and dry fasting have literally changed my life. I was never an anxious person but people (my children and husband) have noticed that i am more laid back and less stressed. Nothing gets me down. If you are thinking should i invest in the blends? Try them you will not be disappointed.
Read moreDal Mistry
"I spent 9 years in pain searching for how to get back to going after what I really wanted. Finally after taking blends for a few months, I'm completely back to it. You don't want to know the number of issues I was having from hiding from my dreams but all of them are solved. Depression, anxiety, muddled and cloudy thinking, emotional pain. I was really praying hard for something to help me. Finally found it. Luteolin helped me think normally again. Trinity allowed and eased my nervous system to work out the trauma. Spaceborn put my mind and body in a higher place. Seven Sages allowed me to see subtleties in what was going on with me. Autonomous let my mind be unencumbered when understanding. Rewire eased the process of changing habits. Supernova gave me that kick to keep working through it. Matcha let me focus in a relaxed state. Stomach reset really seemed to remove a lot of issues automatically, like a fresh slate with how emotions, brain, and gut are connected. Thunder is making me less controllable and under others' influence. Big D energy. The others are just as powerful. Not to mention fasting making me push through it without physical distraction and coffee to keep me energized. Never would drink coffee before now it's the best part of my day. I did combine it also with a healing technique called NET but I doubt it's necessary unless you're as fucked up as I was lol. Blends are it man. Buy them."
Read moreMatthew W
i’ve been waiting to post my review on the newer blends. liver regenerator and spaceborn. i’m a little unique because i only half half of my pancreas and no gallbladder. my liver works twice as hard as the average person. i’m 61 and work long hours very well actually with the help of the blends. i was struggling this last year with being bone chilling cold. i know the fasting makes you cold. This was far beyond what most people would consider feeling cold. i went to a accupucture dr who is very knowledgeable and does extreme healing. He told me my liver was over taxed which was causing the extreme cold. i started very slow with liver regenerator - a salt tsp - i’ve been doing 1/8 tsp 3 times a day and it feels amazing to not feel cold. to actually sweat when i work out. To want to go out and do the things i love outside going into winter here in oregon. As for the spaceborn. it totally curbs my appetite. it is actually more than that and it’s hard to explain. it takes away the feeling over overwhelm when you to start to eat. My awareness with others and there energy is crystal clear. i higher level of consciousness and taping into what or who feels good without attachment to any outcome. it’s flow - not force thank you gavin and the whole team behind the scenes who work to bless our lives. Extremely grateful ♥️
Read moreBernadette Andersen
I feel very blessed and grateful that i started taking super hair tonic 4 weeks ago. To be honest - it was not my hair that was a priority for me as i have other issues to deal with. However , I purchased the combo pack of blends ( thought that was my best way forward to take all the blends as per Gavins 22:2 protocol . Like i said at the beginning - my hair was not really my main priority for now - main reason being i fell out with my hair 30 years ago when i got my first grey hair (i was 13 years old) - i knew this wa genetic as my family members also started going grey as children - by the time i was 27 years old i succumbed to dying my hair ( so next 24 years was a big commitment to dying my hair every 4 weeks) , in that time - i knew the hair dyes were no good - toxic and carcinogenic - i kept dying my hair as could not leave my house if i saw one white hair!!!! Then we had the first lockdown March 2020- and thats the ush i needed to stop dying my hair - however - i felt that the damage had already been done to my hair - it was thin - lacked lustre and i had over the years developed 2 very very thin (almost bald ) patches on my hairline (above my temples ) which i felt i had to accept as never grew back- Now back to the super tonic hair - started taking 4 weeks ago - one quarter teaspoon once a day only - and my hair seems to have thickened considerably - the bald patches do not look as bald anymore and I’m feeling so much confident with my hair and not afraid to go out . At this time of writing this review- i personally not sure if my grey hairs are reducing and my natural colour coming back ( it appears like it is) - i will write another update in couple months time . Needless to say i have now purchased a 100g bag - without batting an eyelid - i would advise anyone who cares about their hair - STOP GOING TO THE HAIR DRESSERS - DONT ALLOW CARCINIGENS IN HAIR DYES-AND HAIR PRODUCTS ANYWHERE NEAR YOUR SCALP AND HAIR - THE MONEY YOU SAVE NOT GOING TO HAIRDRESSERS WILL BE MORE THAN YOU NEED FOR THE SUPERTONIC HAIR - you will never go back - for the first time in my life - i love my hair - even the greys - i call myself the OCEAN PRINCESS
Read moreBal Purewal
SIRT1, often referred to as the “longevity gene,” plays a critical role in maintaining exceptional health by regulating various biological processes that protect against age-related diseases. It is involved in enhancing the body’s defenses against oxidative stress, improving metabolism, and reducing inflammation, which are key factors in preventing obesity, cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases. SIRT1 activation is linked to the benefits of calorie restriction, a well-known method for extending lifespan and reducing the incidence of age-related disorders. By modulating these pathways, SIRT1 helps maintain the health of the brain and other organs, contributing to a longer and healthier life.